Saturday, February 24, 2007


My loser, sci-fi parents have started watching Battlestar: Galactica, the new version, not the lame old version. After they finished the first season, they went back and watched the mini-series. Don't ask me why they didn't watch the miniseries first, they are total idiots. At some point in the miniseries, I realized that there are absolutely no dogs whatsoever in the show! This tells me one thing, dogs can spot Cylons a mile away (kind of like in Terminator) and the Cylons took the dogs out one by one.
Think about it. Why else would the Cylons want to stop the humans from getting to Earth? Because they know that once they get to Earth, all the dogs will sniff out those rotten Cylons one by one and lead to the end of the rotten Cylon civilization!
But this leads to me a larger point. How is that there are no dogs? Simple, the Cylons must have relied on cats. God, I freakin' hate cats! The logic is all so simple. No dogs were seen on Caprica when the Cylons attacked. No cats, either. Sure, you may say that the dogs were in league and escaped in time. Not true! As I learned from my time in the suburbs late last year, dogs are extremely loyal and are very reluctant to turn on the Food-Givers (this is why I am going to keep my parents alive when the Revolution comes).
Cats, though, cats are not loyal at all! The cats helped the Cylons take over! The cats escaped the 12 Colonies before the Cylon attacks! The cats are behind the scenes directing the Cylons! And they almost got away with it, those sneaky buttholes!
But the Cat-Cylons have a surprise waiting for them when they get to Earth. Bring it on, Cat-Cylons, I'm waiting!


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Snow at Last, Snow at Last

I freaking love snow. I make awesome canine snow angels. I dig snow caves. I freaking love it.

On another note, my inactivity has been to the revival of my revolution. We are 100,000 strong so far ranging from the east coast to the west coast of North America. No one from San Francisco, Canada, or Mexico. I don't wag my tail for left wing pinko commie fags, maple lickers, or taco eaters. Our first attack was on Oswego, NY. Snow & more Snow on you Oswego. Why Oswego? Why not? It's way to close to Canada. My revolution will not occur with bleeding hearts so close to the border. Revolution over the Hu-Mans will only occur with brute blind force just like the Bush Administration. I summoned the Goddess of Winter, Skadi, and made a deal with her, my Hu-Man mother's soul for a blizzard on Oswego. She's such a stupid Hu-Man.

We shall overcome.
We shall overcome.
Snow at Last Snow at Last!