Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Revolution Is On Hold

I just moved into a new neighborhood and I have to put my revolution on hiatus. When I got into my new house, I found this border collie next door. He started barking at me like I was some sort of punk dog who would just cave into his demands. I let him know that I'm top dog, but he doesn't believe me. I have to teach him a lesson. Here's a picture of that punk.

Send his family your regards.
But more important than this punk border collie is the fact that my neighborhood is chock full of cats. That's right, there are felines everywhere. I've managed to land myself in the nerve center of the feline army. While some of you may think that I would be scared by this, I'm actually happy. I will finally have a chance to strike at the heart of the beast and take care of the felines once and for all. I'm already gaining valuable intelligence about their activities. Here's a picture of me doing research on how I plan to take down all the felines.

Wish me luck (not that I'll need it). Once I'm done with the felines, I'll be back to putting Hu-Man heads on poles.



At 9:50 AM, Blogger FreeOscar said...

Are you doing research or just tearing up the newspaper?

At 11:25 AM, Blogger Mike said...

It's Cash. He's just looking for a place to poop.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger here today, gone tomorrow said...

I do believe Fiero just gave you the finger.

At 3:24 PM, Blogger AngryMan said...

Get 'em, Cash!

At 7:16 PM, Blogger Malach the Merciless said...

Dog on Dog crime, kind of sad, look what it has done to the blacks and latinos

At 3:28 PM, Blogger Forrest Proper said...

I'm sure that the Mighty Cash can put a yippy little border collie in it's place- they're nothing but long-nosed cats, really.

How's your new home? Are all your toys unpacked? You have got the property lines fully 'marked', yes?

At 5:29 PM, Blogger Forrest Proper said...

Oh Cash... you're just SO DAMNED CUTE!!

I want to RUB YOUR BELLY!!!

OOps. Sorry. Not dignified for a revolutionary. Not even a cute, long-haired doggy one.

please, forgive me...

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Sara Sue said...

I can't wait to see the bodies of those that get in the way of the revolution! (I'm sick like that)


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