Things I Will Get Rid Of
When I take over, I will most certainly get rid of those stupid PC v. Mac computer commercials. They used to be cute, but now they just anger me. I will also get rid of scripted programming. This can be somewhat intelligent and can make Hu-mans think. I do not like this. Stupid Hu-mans make it easier for me to take over the world. This is why I prefer reality programming. Stupid reality shows like American Idol, Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?, and Dancing With The Stars make Hu-mans dumber and more malleable. This is why I took the time to engineer a writer's strike. Without intelligent, funny, and humorous programming, Hu-mans become complacent and just accept whatever is thrown at them. That's why, once the reality tv programming takes over just about every time-slot, I will move in with my own reality show, Hu-man Heads On Poles.
Can you get rid of Drew Carey?
There always the *off* button.
Do you think it's wise to be posting your plans of the revolution? I mean, the Bush Administration could easily find this by doing a simple . . . Oh, wait, they're idiots. Nevermind.
You need to be neutered
I have an abscessed tooth. Will you please put my head on a pole?
Hey, Cash, I've tagged you for Malach's Meme!
i think the only thing we should have on TV is jesus shows. preachers pandering for money, a hidden camera inside confessionals, and some christian cartoons for the kiddies.
and not to forget about animals, there could even be an awesome show that's like "the dog whisperer" only it would be a mexican guy casting demons out of animals. just shaking the shit out of them and screaming for the devil to leaaaaaaave this christian daaaawg beeeee!
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