Sunday, April 01, 2007

Things That Make Me Angry

Stupid dog owners. They really piss me off. For example, Daddy comes home from his softball game today and tells Mommy about this Border Collie (I personally love Border Collies, they are almost 100% Cash Breeds like myself). Daddy says that the owners of the dog don't give her tennis balls because she just rips them up.
DUH! What else are you going to do with tennis balls? You wait till they get good and smelly and dirty and then you rip them to shreds!
Stupid dog owners. Your head will be on a pole when the revolution comes while Border Collies run around the poles ripping tennis balls apart.
Second, rawhides without peanut butter. I mean, I love rawhides, and I love peanut butter, when are you going to put them together people? I just want to rip all of you to shreds!
Animal shelters. We can get more use out of animal shelters by using the dogs to execute people on death row. I mean, it's cheaper than maintaining an electric chair or using a lethal injection. You also don't have to pay people to work those things. Finally, people can be enjoined from executing someone, but a dog is beyond the power of a court as they have little to no legal rights. Put these poor dogs to work!


At 11:31 AM, Blogger Mike said...

Border Collies are not as much fun as these!

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Cash said...

If that rat would stop humping and get working the revolution, maybe can stop the evil in the world.



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