Tales from the ‘Burbs
Every morning I patrol the golf course. There’s not much danger on the golf course, except Yankee retirees.
I’ve been taking a vacation from the whole revolution thing. Grandma keeps me pretty busy. She has this thing called, “Ice Cream Cake Time!” She sings it out like it’s the best thing ever. At first I thought it was the best thing ever next to peanut butter, but then I found out it is just yogurt and rice cakes. Grandma is lying to me. She feeds me yogurt & rice cakes as if it is really ice cream cake. I will not stand for this fabrication.
My Aunt Skadi is a pit bull sheppard mix who is big and dumb. That will work on Skadi, Grandma, but it will not work on a Cash bred.
Other than my Grandma being a liar, it’s great. Grandma is home all day so I get to follow her wherever she goes. She’ll be in the front yard planting pansies, and I’m there making sure she doesn’t fall and can’t get up. It’s an easy life, not living in the ghetto. Grandma even paid off the mortgage the other day. Grandma & the Man That Comes With Grandma are completely debt free. They sought the financial expertise of me, Cash. I looked at their age, retirement accounts, and savings accounts. They took my advice, but they paid me in “Ice Cream Cakes.” That made my hackles stand up..
On another note, Grandma asked me if I missed my home & my parents.
What parents?
Dont cmplain about that yogurt & rice cake dception.
Some mothrs put a piece o rubbr in their kids moufs an tell em itsa tit.
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