Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Week in Pictures

The True Carmen:

The True Mike & Carmen:
One of the Punishments from The Great Revolutionary, ME:



At 4:18 AM, Blogger Mike said...

Actually Carmen does love cats. She prefers them broiled, but has eaten a few of them deep fried.

Of course, I do love CZJ that goes without saying and the only person that Carmen has ever peed on is Jackie and she probably deserved it.

As for the ankle, are you saying that you, the great Cash, are an ankle biter?

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Malach the Merciless said...

I called a local Chinese Resturant about you.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Phoebe Fay said...

Cash, you're secretly afraid of Carmen, aren't you?

Understandable. She could totally take over your revolution. All you managed to do was screw up an ankle, but she manages to mess up a whole kidney!

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Yeah, what Phoebe said.

At 6:19 AM, Blogger Cash said...

Headless Mike,
Cats like Carmen raw.
Of course she peed on Jackie. She bought her the Sherlock Holmes outfit.
My foot soldiers are ankle biters.

Headless Malach,
Did you call Dr. Murk's wife?

Headless Fay,
Carmen couldn't do anything. Like most dogs of her breed, she just shakes uncontrollable and then pees on Mike.

Headless Mike,
So you have to have a Hu-Man Female speak for you. Did you get a neutered too?

At 5:03 AM, Blogger Forrest Proper said...

The cats are watching you.


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