Monday, May 08, 2006

The Last VetFighter

OK, so I was just minding my own business, not paying anyone no never-mind, when Daddy took me on a car ride. I thought that he was taking me to run around somewhere, but he instead drove me to the most evil place in the world, THE VET'S OFFICE!!!
Fortunately, Daddy didn't make me go in. Daddy just went to get my heartworm and flea medicine. However, when he got back into the truck I began my post-vet inspection to make sure everything was jake. You see, all veterinarians are part of an evil, international hu-man conspiracy whose goal is to keep animal kind down. I've become a major target because of my revolutionary goals. Because the vets are always after me I always sniff, sniff, sniff Mommy or Daddy to make sure that they haven't had their bodies snatched or been replaced in some way by the vet.
Well, I quickly noticed that the Vet had sent replacement Daddy ala The Last Starfighter in order to bring down my canine revolution. I, however, was wise to their trick and quickly mauled faux-Daddy before he could take me down. I quickly jumped out of the truck, went inside the vet's office, mauled everyone in site, and rescued Daddy from the evil vet's. Let me tell you, that's the last time that we ever go back to that vet!


At 3:55 PM, Blogger FreeOscar said...

Did everyone in the vet office deserve to get mauled?

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Cash said...

Of course everyone freakin' deserved it! I don't maul without a reason, GOSH!

At 9:57 AM, Blogger FreeOscar said...

Aren't going to the vet today?

Is this a new vet?


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