Sunday, June 10, 2007

My Plans Are Coming To Fruition

I'm sure that a lot of you have heard about Paris Hilton getting put in jail, getting taken out, and then getting put back in jail. You've probably heard this because it is on the freakin' news 24-hours a day and often pre-empts war coverage. Ah yes, my plans are pressing forward.
How is this part of my plan?
Simple, I got Paris Hilton arrested. Knowing that the stupid media would run to it like I run to an open bottle of peanut butter, I've used this media-blackout to strengthen my forces for the final attack. My canine legions have been up to all sorts of things. First, we've helped Iran and North Korea develop their nuclear weapons and we're slowly working to destabilize Pakistan. Also, we've been trying out new techniques in Iraq and in Afghanistan. We're using all sorts of chemical and biological weapons and no one is taking the time to report it because Paris Hilton is the bigger media draw! It's perfect!
Watch out, cats, your time is coming!


At 9:54 AM, Blogger Mike said...

When the revolution finally gets here, are you going to be our leader?

At 12:00 PM, Blogger Sara Sue said...

I think there's no question Cash will be our leader ... those of us who make it ... but Cash, be careful ... there's a pack in Pakistan that are plotting a secondary coup!

**I'm so glad you're back!!!

At 2:24 AM, Blogger AngryMan said...

I've decided to live my life in a way that would honor Paris. So, I'm going to get herpes and then wear an expensive necklace while I bathe a car/eat a hamburger.


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