Wednesday, July 25, 2007


My Big Grandma is coming to visit tomorrow!!! I have two Grandmas, Big Grandma and Mini Grandma. Mini Grandma is very small and falls down a lot, while Big Grandma is very tall and falls down, too. It's because she drinks a lot.
Anyway, I haven't seen her in a while because I can't go down there to visit her or Grandpa. The vicious, anti-canine media has spread rumours that I'm responsible for this, but it's not true. You see, my Grandparents have a lot of dogs, none of which are truly dedicated to the revolution. These Lassies believe in cooperation, coordination, and don't believe in heads on poles. I just don't get it. How are you going to take over the world without putting heads on poles, huh? Tell me, how?
So, anyway, the last time I went to visit, everything boiled over. One of the Lassies got so subservient that he let my stupid Aunt put a pair of antlers on his head. WHOA!!! NOT COOL!!! Antlers are the greatest sign of evil, next to cats, in the dog-world, and this Lassie just lets them get put on his head? COME ON!!!
So, I get in his face and tell him absolutely not, be a dog! This leads to a fight, and one that I get blamed for! Where is the justice? Where are the poles? A few minutes after they broke us up, we had another fight. OK, that one was my fault, I was a little angry, but still! It's not my fault that the dogs act like Lassies all the time. I've got to protect the revolution I've been working so hard to build, I can't let some Lassie ruin it.
So, in conclusion, I'm excited to see Big Grandma. I'm not excited about Lassies, though.


At 5:38 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Some Lassies are worse than others.

At 2:58 AM, Blogger FreeOscar said...

You are racist. You should go to rehab for your racism.

At 4:54 AM, Blogger Malach the Merciless said...

Or become a fighting dog

At 8:21 AM, Blogger FreeOscar said...

Michael Vick may eat you.

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Sara Sue said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Hope Big G-Ma brings lots of peanut butter!

At 6:50 PM, Blogger Joey Polanski said...

Glad t hear yer gettin t see Big Grammaw at long last!

Give her leg a hump fer me, will ya?


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